How to Fix "ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required" in RAM Trucks?

As you drive your RAM truck, you notice a message on your dashboard: ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required''. Perhaps it's the first time you see it. Or maybe it's been appearing for the past few months on and off. In any case, it's slowly starting to get on your nerves. Should you be worried for your safety? Or is it just a minor nuisance you can ignore?

ACC/FCW unavailable, service required message highlights

  • Common reasons:blocked camera, blocked radar, faulty camera or radar, weather conditions
  • How to fix:clean the radar and camera areas, check the connections
  • Possible consequences:some functions may not be available
  • Priority level:Low
  • Can you drive?Carefully
  • DIY repair:Possible
  • Repair price range:$0-$1,000


acc-fcw unavailable ram

In this article, you'll learn the following about the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue in your RAM truck:

  • How serious it is
  • What 6 reasons might cause it
  • How you can attempt to fix it on your own

How serious is the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue in your RAM truck?

Both ACC and FCW are features found only in modern vehicles. They stand for Adaptive Cruise Control and Forward-collision Warning respectively. Though not essential for you to drive your RAM truck, both systems are incredibly important safety measures.

Adaptive Cruise Control adjusts your speed if you drive in heavy traffic. It automatically slows down the vehicle to match the speed of the car in front of you. Once the car in front of you leaves, your RAM truck resumes its normal speed.

As its name implies, the Forward-collision Warning system alerts you to objects dangerously close to the front of your RAM truck. These include other vehicles, roadblocks, or potentially even pedestrians. Though it doesn't stop the car for you, it warns you about imminent collision via a series of visual and audio clues. Statistics show that this system lowers the frequency of accidents by over 25%.

But is the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue serious? From a technical perspective, it isn't too serious. Since it doesn't affect your drivability, you can use your RAM truck as you normally would.

However, you still shouldn't underestimate this issue. Most drivers get used to these features and rely on them more than they care to admit. As a result, they are more likely to get into accidents. Make sure you address the issue without delay to avoid this unnecessary risk.

Luckily, the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue is usually easy to address. We'll look at the possible causes in the next section.

What caused my RAM truck's ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue? 6 common reasons behind this problem

The ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' may appear on your RAM truck for several reasons. The good news is that you can deal with most of them on your own. Both systems are electrical, meaning the computer can sometimes malfunction and falsely display this message. Additionally, both systems rely on a sensor to monitor the situation around your RAM truck. Any kind of obstruction prevents their function.

Here are the 6 common causes behind the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' issue on RAM trucks:

  • You've installed an incompatible grille

Accidents happen and one of the most repaired car parts is the grille. While aftermarket grilles may be cheaper than original ones, installing them isn't always a good idea. Even If they fit your RAM truck, they might obstruct the ACC and FCW sensor.

This sensor is very photosensitive, and they need a certain amount of brightness to function properly. Installing the wrong grille might alter the light that reaches the sensor, leading to malfunction.

  • You drive in poor weather conditions

One of the most common reasons why the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message appears is adverse weather. The good news is this is just a temporary condition, meaning that nothing's wrong with your RAM truck. The bad news is it this issue will last for as long as the bad weather remains.

Heavy snowfall is one example of bad weather. The lumps of snow and ice greatly reduce the visibility range of your sensor. Both ACC and FCW will shut down, as a result, prompting the message to appear. While light showers generally don't cause this issue, heavy rainfall might. The same goes for hailstorms.

  • You drive in areas with lots of surfaces that reflect light

While lack of brightness is bad for your ACC and FCW systems, excessive light can also cause them to malfunction. Areas with high brightness will 'confuse' the sensor, causing both systems to shut down. As a result, the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message will appear on your RAM truck.

White surfaces on the ground such as snow and ice reflect a lot of light, even during sunny winter days. Moreover, some tunnels are full of reflective tiles which can also lead to this malfunction. If this is the case, you can only prevent this issue by avoiding these areas. But since this isn't always an option, at least you'll be better prepared for driving your RAM truck through them. On the bright side, it means your vehicle has no technical issues at all.

  • Your sensor isn't clean

Bad weather and poor lighting aren't the only conditions that can affect your ACC and FCW systems. Mud and dirt may accumulate on the sensor over time, rendering them completely useless. Your Ram truck is particularly prone to this issue if you drive in dry areas with poorly constructed roads. You stir up dust and grime as you drive, making the issue even worse.

Luckily, this issue is easy to fix. All you need to do is clean the sensor and the ACC and FCW should come back online. We recommend making this a habit if you wish to prevent this from happening again.

  • Computer malfunction

Another important note to remember is that your vehicle computer operates both systems. A system error might sometimes cause the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message to appear, even if they both function normally. You can fix this by temporarily cutting off the power source, which we will discuss in a later section. If this fix doesn't work, you might have to visit an auto repair shop.

  • Your sensor is broken

If you've ruled out all the other possibilities, the sensor itself might be to blame. It is rather fragile, meaning it could've become damaged while you were on the road. As a last resort, you can perform a thorough inspection to determine if it is broken or not. If yes, you'll have to replace it, which means a trip to the dealership will be unavoidable.

What can I do to fix the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message on my RAM truck?

Before you jump to any conclusions, you should first rule out some of the most common causes behind this issue - bad weather. Poor visibility conditions are the most likely culprit behind the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message.

But if you drive your RAM truck on a clear day and still have this issue, you might want to try the following two fixes:

  • Check and clean the sensor

Both features work thanks to a sensor. If dirty or damaged, they won't work properly. The first thing you should do when you see the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message is to check the sensor. You can find it on the front bumper of your RAM truck, near the grille. If it's dirty, wipe the lens with a soft cloth. Be careful as this sensor is very easy to damage.

Once clean, inspect the lens for any signs of damage such as cracks or missing screws. If your sensor is faulty, you might have to visit a mechanic.

Since it is located at the front of your RAM truck, the sensor can break easily. If you've been in an accident recently, it was likely damaged in some way.

  • Perform a reset

Both the ACC and FCW are part of the electrical system in your RAM truck. Sometimes, your computer might just malfunction and falsely display this issue on your dashboard. If so, you can perform a quick reset to resolve this issue. This quick fix works in most cases and might spare the trouble of going to your dealership.

All you must do is remove your battery. Make sure you start with the negative terminal first. Once removed, wait 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, the power will keep draining from your RAM truck until it becomes fully depleted. Once your electrical system runs completely out of power, it resets. You can then connect the battery back to your vehicle and check your dashboard. If done right, the message should disappear.

Should the issue persist, your RAM truck might have some other computer issues. In this case, you'll have to visit a mechanic.

Our final thoughts on the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message on your RAM truck

Both the Adaptive Cruise Control and Forward-collision Warning features are invaluable safety measures. While you don't need them to drive your RAM truck, they can be a true lifesaver in certain situations. That's all the more reason to take good care of these systems.

When the ''ACC/FCW Unavailable, Service Required'' message appears on your dashboard, it most likely points to an obstructed sensor. You can find this sensor at the front of your RAM truck. Weather conditions that affect visibility are the most common causes of this issue. Snowfall, rainfall, and hailstorms can all obstruct the sensor, making the ACC and FCW systems malfunction. Mud and dirt can achieve the same result. While you can't control the weather, you can clean the sensor regularly to prevent this from happening.

The sensor is very fragile and breaks easily, especially if you've had an accident recently. Apart from cleaning it, you should also check its condition. If damaged, you might need to visit a mechanic.

This issue might also be caused by a computer error. Luckily, you can fix this by performing a simple reset. This involves removing the battery for a short time. Once you plug it back in, the issue should be resolved. 

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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