Car Won't Start and Gear Shift Won't Move - Reasons and Fixes

Having a car that won't start and a gear shift that won't move is probably one of the most frustrating things that we can face, especially when we need the car the most.

If you are facing this issue, you are at the right place because, in this article, we are going to cover all you need to know when it comes to why this problem is happening, as well as the possible fixes for this issue.

car wont start gear shift wont move

What are we going to cover in this article?

  • Car Won't Start And Gear Shift Won't Move (Problem Elaboration)
  • Reasons Why This Problem Happens?
  • Possible Fixes For This Issue

Car Won't Start And Gear Shift Won't Move (Problem Elaboration)

Before we elaborate more on the causes, let's first elaborate on the problem itself. Since it is somewhat confusing and misleading for some people.

This problem is a situation when the car doesn't have the ability to start and you cannot move the gear shifter into neutral.

The car is simply stuck in Park and doesn't want to start. This is the case because the parking brake is on.

This parking brake is known as a parking pawl. This is a special tooth that locks the gears of the transmission and you cannot move the car forward or backward. In other words, you cannot tow the vehicle or manipulate the car in any way.

There are some fixes for this problem that we are going to elaborate later on in the article. The important thing for you, if you are in this situation, is not to panic.

When the car won't start and you don't have power, the problem is not in the transmission but the problem is in the ignition of the car.

This means that you need to sort out the starting issue first and then move on to put the car into gear and release it from Park. Even though you can try one different method that you can use to release the car from Park. But more on that we are going to elaborate after we cover the reasons why this specific problem happens.

Reasons Why This Problem Happens?

Now let's elaborate on why this problem happens. Remember that first, we need to address the starting issue.

Since we cannot move the gear shifter if the car is not able to start. We need to find out the causes why this is happening.

1) Dead Battery

The first thing that comes to our mind when the car won't start and the gear shift won't move is a dead battery.

The car battery is essential when it comes to the ability of your car to turn the accessories on and give you the ability to shift from park to neutral.

Whenever the battery is completely dead or near its death, it will not allow you to move the gear shifter and move the lever to neutral.

This is really unfortunate and this is why the battery should be one of the first components that you want to check before you do anything.

You need to measure the voltage that the battery is producing. You can do this by using a multimeter.

This device will give you crucial information when it comes to the life of the battery in your car. A healthy car battery should always have somewhere in the range of 12 to 12.6 volts while the engine is not running.

If the voltage is lower than 10 volts, you have a dead battery. Probably one or more cells in the battery are dead and this battery has to go in order for you to move the gear shifter into neutral.

2) Corroded Battery Cables

The second most common cause for this problem when you cannot move the gear shift into neutral and the car is completely dead is the case when you have corroded battery cables.

Battery cables can corrode. The car battery can release some of the acid and corrode the terminals.

In this case, you will not have proper contact between the terminal and the cable. This is why your car battery will seem to be completely dead.

The solution to this problem is to get a steel brush and clean the connections with this brush. You can also get sandpaper and clean the corrosion out.

Either way works, just make sure that you remove only the rust and not destroy the terminals because this way nothing will work.

Once the terminals are properly cleaned, you can reattach the cable and tighten them properly. In this case, you will have power and you will be able to move the gear shifter.

3) Loose Battery Cable

A loose battery cable can also cause this type of problem. If the battery cable does not have a proper connection to the terminal, you will have these issues.

So, it is really important if nothing looks wrong, to check the terminals and see if they are loose. If the contact is bad.

Get a 10mm wrench and tighten the bolts on each of the two terminals and you will return the power to the vehicle, so you will be able to move the gear shift into neutral.

4) Bad Ground Connection

A bad ground connection can also cause this problem. A proper ground connection is mandatory if you want to have any electronic component working on your car.

This is the negative cable that goes from the battery to the vehicle's chassis. What can happen is that the place where this cable is attached can rust out and the cable can simply fall off.

In this case, you don't have a ground connection. This is why you need to make sure that the ground cable is nicely attached and that there is metal to metal connection.

Since if the cable is mounted to a painted surface, you will not have a ground connection in your car. And nothing will work, as in our case. The car won't start and the gear shift won't move.

5) Bad Ignition Switch

Another common cause for the car won't start and the gear shift won't move problem is the situation when you have a bad ignition switch. So, what is an ignition switch?

An ignition switch is a switch that is activated once you put the key into the ignition. The key cylinder is basically the ignition switch.

And if this component is dead and not working, you will not get anything once you turn the key over. You will not be able to shift from Park to neutral gear.

This is why this is a very useful thing to check.

6) Bad Shift Interlock Solenoid

A bad shift interlock solenoid can also cause a problem like this. This is the solenoid that activates once you try to move the gear lever.

If this solenoid fails, you will have a problem moving the car from Park to neutral gear. This is a common failure point, especially if you have an older vehicle with a lot of miles on it.

The only way around this would be to replace this component with a new one and the problem will go away.

Possible Fixes For This Issue

Now let's cover the possible fixes for this problem. What can you do in order to start the car and put it in neutral gear or in gear if you want to drive the vehicle? Let's elaborate.

1) Jump Start The Car

The first thing you can do is to jump-start the car. If you have another car nearby, you can simply get jumper cables or a portable jumper and start the vehicle.

Immediately after you attach the positive and negative cable from your battery to the other vehicle's battery, you should be able to move the gear shifter and also start the car.

2) Get A New Battery

The second option is to go to your local car parts store and purchase a new battery. Make sure that you have enough cranking amps since not every battery is the same.

Usually, the bigger the engine is, the more cranking amps you need in order to start the engine. 

If you are not sure what type of battery you need, check the sticker on your old battery, the owner's manual, or consult with a mechanic.

Also, in the car parts store, they can help you out since they know most of the information you need when it comes to finding the specific parts for your vehicle. Just give them the vehicle's VIN, or make and model, and they will tell you everything you need.

Once you get a new battery, reattach the battery cables, tighten them up nicely and you will be able to start the vehicle.

3) Find The Magic Button To Shift To Neutral

Another thing that you can do if you want to tow the car and the battery is dead is to simply find the magic button and shift the car into neutral gear with a dead battery.

For this, you need to release the shift lock in order to override the settings. Every automatic transmission has this shift lock.

You will need to find a screwdriver and pry the small cover off, then you need to put the screwdriver in until you hear a click. Once you do this, the car should release and you will be able to put the car into neutral and tow the vehicle.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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