How to Make a V6 Sound Like a V8? Expensive and Complicated?

One feature every car owner is obsessed with is having the trending and best feature in their vehicle. To achieve this, many car owners modify their cars by replacing some parts with newer features. In this article, we'll go through how to make a V6 sound like a V8.

Engine sound upgrades highlights

  • Commonreasons:pleasure, wish to feel the vibration when driving
  • Average prices:$350 - $1,500
  • Average waiting time:1 - 3 days
  • Common problems:too loud sound, vibrations, no actual gains
  • DIY mods:possible
  • Level of satisfaction:low


v6 sounds like v8

Overview of the Engines

Many people wonder about the meaning of the letter on the V engines. You must examine the cylinder to understand what it implies. This cylinder is an important engine component that houses the piston. It allows a lot of movement once the combustion chamber produces a lot of energy.

The engine features a lot of cylinders making piston movement possible. For motion conversion, the pistons are connected to the crankshaft. The cylinders are aligned parallel to the crankshaft. The cylinder bar is the layout.

There are two opposite cylinders in a V engine and these bars are aligned in a V formation. Most of the time, the cylinders in this engine type are odd-numbered. The V6, for example, on each of its cylinder bars has three cylinders.

The history of V engines is fascinating. At the time of their introduction, they exhibited a shape of a two-cylinder engine during the late 1800s. Several improvements were made after this time, which included an increase in the acceptable number of cylinders.

The V6 engine features six cylinders, as the name implies, distributed evenly between each bar. The V6 is one of the most frequent 6-cylinder engine configurations.

The V8 engine has been around for a long time but is less often utilized than the V6. Because the V8 is so strong, it may be found in vehicles such as trucks, SUVs, and sports cars. It features a V-shaped engine, like the V6, except it has eight cylinders.

What Is the function of an Exhaust System?

The exhaust system on your vehicle is essential. It provides a destination for the byproduct of combustion, exhaust. Fuel and air combine during the combustion cycle and are ignited by your spark plug.

The surplus fuel particles and other fragments need a place to go while this explosion forces the cylinder through its cycle. This is the exhaust system, which is activated by a valve in the cylinder itself.

Your exhaust system is designed from the start to be as quiet, efficient, and environmentally friendly as possible. Every nation has a maximum permissible level of greenhouse gas emissions, and every carmaker must fulfill these standards to sell their vehicle in that country.

Your O2 sensor, which is often installed in line with the catalytic converter, continuously monitors these pollutants. This will come in handy later.

When modifying your exhaust system, keep in mind that you can always get a whole new system from a junkyard for a reasonable price.

V6 vs. V8 Sound

Both the V8 and V6 engines make incredible sounds, especially when revving or accelerating. Many people believe that the V8 has the loudest sound, which comes in as a roar. If you don't want a chaotic environment, the V6's sound is better regulated.

There's also the problem of engine noise. The V engines are infamous for causing vibrations that might be annoying to the driver. The V6 generates a lot of vibrations, especially in engines with a greater angle.

The greater the angle, the more vibrations are felt. The good news is that these issues can be solved using harmonic dampers, and balance shafts.

How to make a V6 sound like a V8

There are a few things you can do to make your V6 engine sound like a V8 if you've always wanted it to.

It is possible to give your engine a boost with these easy tweaks and tinkering. Many owners of V6 engines choose to convert them into V8s with all the available options. They can improve the engine's efficiency and sound quality in this way.

Although it is a possibility, engine switching is not recommended. For this reason, we offer the following suggestions to make your engine sound deeper and more like a V8.

Since it is general knowledge that the sound of your engine is mostly dependent on the exhaust, the following actions can be taken to achieve this sound change:

  • Modifying your existing exhaust system

This is one thing you could do if what you're looking for is a quick and easy hack to improve your engine. V8 engines feature two exhaust systems, which are responsible for generating a louder and more forceful sound when you push it on high revs.

To get the sound and performance of their existing engine, some customers choose to put an aftermarket dual exhaust system on their V6 engine. Installing a dual exhaust system in your car is not as straightforward as it may seem but many people go for it because this is the easiest way to get the desired sound.

New exhaust systems have the advantage of ensuring improved air flow, which is handy. A louder, more forceful exhaust sound, close to a V8 engine, is guaranteed with increased airflow.

  • Install refurbished performance headers

Find your current stock headers if you intend to install new aftermarket performance headers. Remove these by unscrewing them, then install the brand-new aftermarket headers. As you turn the ignition key, you can check the sound. Of course, the process is pretty complicated and should only be completed by professionals.

  • Replace the muffler

Another alternative to consider is getting replacement mufflers to replace your current ones. Most states take mufflers to be an essential component of an automobile's exhaust system. Therefore, to convert your V6 into a V8, you may change your current mufflers without having to completely revamp your exhaust system.

Just take off the standard muffler and replace it with the performance version. This is a simpler, more affordable method for making modifications to your V6 engine.

Find your factory muffler and remove it from your exhaust system before installing a performance muffler. The new ones must be installed precisely before you may use them.

Some people choose a straight-through muffler to generate a throatier and deeper rumbling from their engine. It is not quite like a V8, but for a quick and cheap fix, simply replace your existing mufflers with performance mufflers.

However, there is one restriction to this alteration option. You must ensure that you are not breaking any state laws by doing so. In many places, removing your car's muffler is a crime. When you opt for this option, it is critical to understand your best alternatives while adhering to the law.

  • Drilling a hole in the exhaust

This is possibly the most common exhaust loudness change, albeit it is not usually intended. If you have an opening or leak in your exhaust system or a hole in your muffler, the exhaust will escape that has not been completely dampened by the pipes, catalytic converter, and muffler.

This will make your exhaust sound much, much louder and is the cheapest option.

All you need for this work is a drill a perfectly good exhaust system. Take the drill and begin drilling holes in that muffler! Then, just for good measure, pound the full length of your system with the hammer.

Can a V6 sound like a V8?

There is a wide difference between the sound of a V6 engine and a V8. Ordinarily, the V8 is louder and gives a roaring sound when started. The V6 engine is quieter and suited for people that do not want the loud feature of the V8.

With the proper modifications, the exhaust system of the V6 engine can be raised to sound louder. So, while it is possible to raise the function of your exhaust system to sound like a V8, they are not the same.

Therefore, there's no way of getting a V6 engine to sound like a V8 completely. Following the methods described above will make your V6 engine louder but will still not match the sound of a V8 engine


Many enthusiasts are interested in learning how to make a V6 sound like a V8. The V6 engine has an underappreciated tone, which is why there is a rising trend to alter it to mimic the throaty and deep sound of a V8 engine.

By following the methods we've listed and giving these recommendations a shot, you should be able to customize your V6 engine the way you want it while assuring positive outcomes that won't break the bank - or state regulations - where you live.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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