Key Fob Not Detected Chrysler 200: Here’s What You Should Do

The Chrysler 200 is a reliable ride that was discontinued in 2017 due to a lack of consumer enthusiasm. The car offered a 2.4L engine that delivered 184 hp relying on a four-cylinder and nine-speed AWD. Drivers who needed more power were offered the 3.6L V6 engine that provided an impressive 295 hp. Before it was discontinued, drivers of the Chrysler 200 had made several complaints about the car's issues.

Key fob not detected message highlights

  • Common reasons:dead fob battery, bad antenna in your vehicle
  • How to fix:replace the battery in the fob
  • Possible consequences:car won't start, use the physical key to start it
  • Priority level:Medium
  • Can you drive?Yes
  • DIY repair:Possible
  • Repair price range:$1-$150


key fob not detected chrysler 200

Your Key Fob's Function

Modern technology has advanced to a level that has drastically reduced the relevance of traditional keys in our day-to-day lives. Keys have been canceled due to their years of tearing holes in our pockets and scratching our smartphone screens.

Most modern vehicle models do not have the old-school traditional ignition keys to open the doors and start the engine. These cars also have a push-to-start button that robs new drivers of the satisfaction of turning the key in the ignition to the growl of their engine. All these functions are now achieved using a keyless entry and start system.

Considering that the key fob grants you entry to your car and the ability to start it, you are correct to be concerned should it start acting up. Even though key fobs save us from absent-mindedly locking our keys in the car, there are times when their signals do not reach the transmitter inside the car.

Key fob not detected error messages are very annoying because they prevent you from getting into your car. Once you have gained access, you should not have trouble starting the car because you can use the start button in the car instead of that on the key fob. Before we discuss the reasons for your key fob's failure to detect, it will be beneficial to briefly discuss how it functions.

How Your Key Fob Functions

You push a button, and the locks on your car open or lock. Usually, we wouldn't crave a peek behind the magic curtains of technology, but since your key fob is acting up, it is necessary to learn the basics.

Think of your key fob as a short-range radio transmitter - kind of like a walkie-talkie but with a shorter transmission radius. Unlike a walkie-talkie that can receive and transmit to various walkies in your operational radius, the key fob sends a coded signal to a receiver installed in your Chrysler 200. Once the receiver gets the signal, it will then instruct your car's electronic control unit to perform the function ordered, e.g. unlocking or locking doors and starting the engine.

Common Causes of the Key Fob Not Detected Error

As mentioned above, most drivers will likely face this error at some point in their auto ownership journey. Here are the most likely causes of this inconvenience:

1. Your Key Fob is Damaged or Faulty

How long have you been using your key fob? Do you handle it with care, or do you often forget that it, too, is a sophisticated piece of modern technology? If you are guilty of not taking the best care of your Chrysler 200 key fob, chances are its malfunction is caused by a fault or damage inflicted. The most common cause of key fob damage is exposure to moisture. At times damage due to loose or old wiring and programming issues is bound to occur, even when you take all precautions.

At times the damage to your key fob may be external and more straightforward to detect. Inspect your key fob for any misaligned buttons or loose contacts. They may be the reason behind your key fob's failure to send signals on demand.


When looking to lengthen the life of your Chrysler 200's key fob, ensure it is stored in a cool and dry spot at all times. Suppose your key fob has failed to respond to simple solutions like putting in new batteries. It is best to contact the dealership for an appointment.

While most auto repair shops and locksmiths are equally capable of inspecting, repairing, and reprogramming the fob as necessary, you should think twice before settling on them for this problem. Your keyless entry and start system are very sensitive.

For security purposes, it is wise to only entrust such repairs to persons that are above reproach. There have been instances of drivers unwittingly having their key fobs cloned by unscrupulous mechanics who then sell the data experts at grand theft auto, and we don't mean the video game.

2. Your Key Fob's Battery is Dead

More often than not, when your Chrysler displays a key fob not detected error, a bad battery is likely to blame. When your key fob's battery is completely drained (or almost there), the fob will fail to emit a signal or emit one that is too weak to be detected by the receiver in your Chrysler 200.


If your suspect your key fob is failing because the battery is out of juice, you should try your spare key fob. If your spare key fob also fails to get the task done (and you are sure its battery is not drained), chances are your problem may be caused by a different problem in this list.

You are advised to inspect your key fob for a hidden emergency key that is usually embedded in the fob. Manufacturers are unlikely to leave you without a plan B. The embedded key in your fob goes into a slot likely well hidden by your car's handle. Slide the latch at the top of your key fob with your thumb sideways to reveal the key. The key also comes in handy when valet parking your vehicle.

Drivers keen to avoid being locked out of their cars due to a dead battery usually keep a spare battery nearby. The batteries used in key fobs are so tiny they can fit in your wallet without breaking a sweat.

3. Your Chrysler 200 has an Ailing Battery.

At times, the key fob problem may be a car problem. Modern cars have intricate electrical systems that put considerable strain on the battery. Consequently, if your Chrysler 200 has a battery that has lost capacity and discharges quickly, your receiver may lack the juice to respond to the key fob's signal.


A weak battery is likely to cause an array of challenges in your Chrysler 200. The sooner you switch it out for a new one, the more likely you will arrest damage that could have occurred over time. When replacing your battery, ensure you order a high-quality compatible alternative. If you cannot get an OEM battery from the dealership, ensure the aftermarket alternative meets the specifications in your user manual.

4. Radio Interference

There is a multitude of devices sending and receiving radio waves. Your key fob is one of these. At times, the 'wires' are likely to get crossed. If your key fob stops working and suddenly resumes normal functions as though nothing happened, it likely underwent radio interference. Radio interference can be caused by any gadget transmitting at a similar frequency, e.g. an anti-theft alarm or radar obstacle detector.


Radio interference usually passes without the driver having to take any corrective action. If the key fob not detected error persists, then interference may not be the culprit. You should drive your car to the dealership for proper diagnosis and repair.

5. Programming Issues with Your Keyless Entry System

Sometimes, the problem is not the key fob but the keyless entry system. Several challenges could afflict your Chrysler 200's keyless entry system:

  • A wiring fault in the system
  • An antenna or receiver defect in the system
  • Software problems
  • Damage to your circuit board
  • Faulty start button


Programming issues are best left to your dealership. All mechanics there have the expertise, experience, and security-first mindset you can rely on for peace of mind. They will diagnose your car and implement the necessary repairs.


Your Chrysler 200's key fob is a crucial convenience that should operate efficiently for you to enjoy your ride. It is also a sensitive security accessory that should only be entrusted to certified mechanics and locksmiths. Should your key fob up and quit on you, it is advisable to retrieve the embedded key and drive to the dealership for professional assistance.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Melissa Rivera-Dale
07-Aug-2023 (Mon, 07:11)
A MILLION THANK YOUs, Dimitri!!! This happens and a driver is STUCK! Trouble shooting for this condition could have cost me a lot of time and that matters when stranded.