Mazda Screen Black. Why It Happened and What to Do?

You have just parked your trusty Mazda and you cannot seem to get the screen to turn on, you can hear the radio playing, but no visual is there. What do you do? Do you call someone? Get out of the car and look for an off switch somewhere? Panic a bit? We have all faced problems with our cars at one point or another. It could be as simple as not being able to find the manual for your vehicle or something more serious like not being able to start it!

Screen problems highlights

  • Reasons:screen death, connections, physical damage, high voltage, glitch
  • Quick fix:reset the system, check power, check fuse, check wiring
  • Price forrepair:$0 - $1,000
  • Time forrepair:0.5 - 3 hours
  • Howcommon:quite common
  • DIYrepair:possible


mazda screen black how to fix (1)

Out-of-date Mazda Connect

Just like any other software out there, Mazda Connect requires regular updates which are automatically generated by Mazda. Mazda Connect requires regular updates which include upgrade patches, bug fixes, bug removal, enhanced performance, and more. A failure to update the software may cause it to misbehave and you will experience some issues like a black screen, glitching, and the likelihood of getting bugs or even a virus. 

How to fix:

Of course, this will work if you still can see something on your screen like a settings button. Otherwise, you will not be able to update the software by yourself.

Manually update the Mazda Connect software by downloading and installing the updates. You do this by going to the official Mazda website and searching for updates in line with the model of your car. Download the updates and save them on a USB stick. 

Go to your car and power it up, find the USB port and insert the USB stick.

On your infotainment console, press the settings button and it will give you a list of settings. Scroll down to the systems tab and select it, you will then be given another drop-down list, scroll down to t the Music Database Update option and select it. You will be given a prompt asking you if you are sure you want to update the system, with a yes or no option, select yes. The software will reboot and install the updates. Once done, you will get a notification that the changes have been made.

Faulty Battery

If your car is developing a black screen issue, it could be due to a faulty battery. If your battery is old and has lost some charge, it may not be able to power the car well enough, and therefore, you might experience a black screen.

Please note that if your car still starts and the engine works, the problem is not in the battery because the alternator is in charge for electricity supply once the engine is started.

How to fix: 

Try to check the condition of your battery, and if there are signs of weakness, consider replacing it with a new one for enhanced performance. A good battery will be able to power the entire car without an issue, therefore ensuring that the computer box will get powered and the display on the screen will return.

Faulty Display

If the problem is due to a faulty display, you might experience persistent trouble with it, regardless of how many hard resets you have done. The display may be damaged due to old age, exposure to liquids, or damage from a car crash. 

How to fix:

You will need to get a technician to check this out. If the display has gone faulty, the best solution would be to replace it with a new one. It might be good to note that it could be an expensive affair, but if you have a warranty, you will be relieved of the cost. However, if you take it to a mechanic or car dealer, they might diagnose the extent of damage and advice whether a repair or replacement is the better option for you.

Loose Wire or cables

If any of the wires are loose, then this could be causing the problem. The best way to check for loose wires would be to get the car checked by a professional mechanic. For loose cables, you can check for each cable connecting to the infotainment system individually. The presence of a loose cable could mean that there is a broken transmission between the two points, which may be leading to the black screen.

How to fix:

In the presence of loose wires, take the car to a mechanic, they will be able to diagnose and identify any loose or broken wiring. Once the problem has been fixed, the screen will be back to normal again.

In the presence of loose cables, remove the cables and plug them back well, ensuring that both sides of the attachment are well plugged. This will ensure that the video transmission is outputting to the screen.

Broken Screen

If the screen is broken, then you will not be able to see anything on it. You can check to see if the screen is broken by checking the other components in the car, as they will be functioning. If the screen is broken, you need to replace it as soon as possible.

Faulty Computer box or Fuse Box

If the computer box or the fuse box is faulty, then there will not be any power being directed to the computer. The computer will not be able to communicate with the screen and the screen will remain black. 

How to fix:

You should check the wires carefully to see if any of them are loose and if there are, get them fixed immediately. In some cases, you might find that there is a broken connection, in such a scenario, you will need to take the vehicle to a mechanic to have the fuse box or the computer replaced. The mechanic will also have to figure out if there are any blown-up fuses and change them

Shorted Circuit

If there is a short circuit, the screen will not be able to receive any power or communication from the computer. In such a scenario, you may notice that some of the buttons on the screen are not working. 

How to fix:

You need to get the wiring checked and fixed immediately by a professional mechanic, as it may lead to more adverse effects.

A Software bug in your infotainment

One of the most common causes of Mazda's black screen is a glitch or a bug in the system. The bugs can be caused by several issues like run-time errors or have been introduced by a third party. It could also be caused by something as simple as taking your car to a place that does not have the correct equipment which may alter the car's code. You can do the following to correct this:

How to fix: 

  • Restart your car. When you experience a black screen for the first time, you should switch everything off, including turning off the car, then letting it rest for at least two to three minutes, and then turning it on. This should be the very first way to troubleshoot. If there is no underlying issue, the screen will be back to normal.
  • Hold down the mute button for at least 10 to 20 seconds, then release. This is the designated refresh button for Mazda cars. It causes the Mazda Connect to refresh and may solve the issue by bringing back the display. This should be the second way to troubleshoot, after restarting your car, if the black screen persists.
  • Perform a soft reset by pressing and holding both the volume button and the back button. This will start the soft reset process, which may help the screen display get back to normal.
  • If the soft reset fails to correct the issue, you can perform a hard reset by pressing and holding down the volume knob, back button, and Nav button together, for at least 10 to 15 seconds, this will reset your car's infotainment system and solve most of the issues the infotainment could be having. Once the 20 seconds are done, you will get a prompt with laid-out steps, which you will follow till the process is done.
  • If all these methods fail, you can call Mazda customer support or take your car to a Mazda dealership near you. If you decide to call them, they will be able to offer you additional support on what you should do to solve the issue. Make sure to tell them all the important details of your car and also tell them the troubleshooting steps you took so that they can know how to help you.


If your car has developed a black screen problem, it could be due to a faulty battery, a faulty screen, a loose wire or cable, a faulty computer or fuse box, short-circuiting, or a bug in the software.

You can troubleshoot by checking the battery, checking the computer, checking the connections, and checking the computer box or fuse box. If all of the above-mentioned troubleshooting steps fail, then the issue may be a fault in the ECU. Please take the car to a mechanic or dealership to have it checked. We hope that this article will help you solve the black screen issue of your Mazda.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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