Mercedes GL450 Air Suspension Malfunction – Reasons and Solutions

If you're driving a Mercedes GL450, then you're likely enjoying the benefits of its air suspension system. This system gives the vehicle a smoother ride and better handling, and can even be adjusted to provide more clearance for off-road driving or for tackling tough terrains. However, like all mechanical systems, the air suspension system is susceptible to problems due to certain conditions.

Air suspension malfunction message highlights

  • Common reasons:air leak, electronic problem
  • How to fix:check for air leaks, take the car in for inspection
  • Possible consequences:suspension may drop any moment
  • Priority level:High
  • Can you drive?Yes
  • DIY repair:Impossible
  • Repair price range:$300-$2,000


gl450 air suspension problems

Symptoms of Air Suspension Problems in the Mercedes GL450

Here are some of the most common symptoms of air suspension problems in the Mercedes GL450:

1. Ride Quality is Noticeably Poorer

If your GL450's ride quality has degraded significantly, there may be an issue with the air suspension system. You may notice that the ride is bouncier and less smooth than it used to be, or that the car seems to "bottom out" more often.

2. Handling is Poor

Another common symptom of air suspension problems is poor handling. If the system is not working properly, the car may feel "floaty" and difficult to control. You may also notice that the car seems to lean more in corners than it used to.

3. The Car is Lower than Usual

If the air suspension system has failed, the car will sit lower to the ground than normal. This can be especially noticeable if you have recently adjusted the ride height. In some instances, the vehicle tends to lean to one side while parked on an even surface.

4. There is a Loud Noise When Driving Over Bumps

A failing air suspension system can often be diagnosed by a loud noise coming from the car when driving over bumps or potholes. This noise is caused by air leaking from the suspension system, and is a sure sign that something is wrong.

5. The "Check Suspension" Warning Light is On

If the air suspension system has failed, a warning light will often come on the dashboards of Mercedes GL450s. This warning light looks like an exclamation point inside a triangle and means that the car's computer has detected a problem with the suspension system.

Should you start experiencing any or a combination of these symptoms, it's important to have your car inspected by a qualified technician as soon as possible. Air suspension problems can often be repaired, but if left unchecked they can lead to more serious issues like poor ride quality, poor handling, and even premature tire wear.

Common Causes of Air Suspension Problems in the Mercedes GL450

According to owners of the Mercedes GL450 who encountered air suspension problems in their vehicles as well as mechanics who have vast experience working on the issue, this malfunction can be traced back to the following factors:

1. Compressor Issue

If you're having trouble with your Mercedes GL450 air suspension, there are a few things that could be going on but the first thing to check is the compressor. If the compressor isn't working properly, it can cause some issues with the air suspension.

One symptom of a compressor issue is that the air suspension will be unable to maintain its proper level. This can cause the SUV to sag in the rear or front, depending on where the problem is. Compressor issues can also cause unevenness in the ride, as well as a bouncier ride overall.

Another symptom of a compressor issue is a leak. If you notice any strange fluids coming from your air suspension, there's likely a leak in the system. Compressor leaks can be dangerous, as they can cause the air suspension to fail completely.

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to take your Mercedes GL450 in for service right away. The technicians will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it accordingly. In most cases, this can be solved by replacing the compressor unit.

2. Worn Seals in Air Struts

If you're noticing that your Mercedes GL450 isn't riding as smoothly as it used to, it might also be due to worn seals in the air struts. These seals help to keep the air in the struts pressurized, and over time they can start to break down and leak.

This can cause a number of problems for the suspension, including a loss of pressure that makes the ride less comfortable and causes the vehicle to sit lower to the ground. In some cases, it can also lead to a knocking sound when going over bumps.

There are a few things that can cause air struts to wear out prematurely. One is simply age - over time, all parts will eventually start to degrade. Another possibility is driving in particularly rough conditions, such as off-road. This can put extra strain on the air struts and cause them to leak sooner.

If you think your Mercedes GL450 might be suffering from worn seals in the air struts, there are a few things you can do. First, check the pressure in the struts using a gauge - if it's low, that's a good indication that there's a leak. You can also try visually inspecting the struts for any signs of leaking, such as oil or dirt on the outside of the strut. If you find a leak, you'll need to replace the air strut. This is something best done by a professional mechanic, as it can be tricky to get the new strut properly seated and pressurized.

Worn air struts can cause many problems for your Mercedes GL450, so it's important to be on the lookout for signs of wear. If you think there might be an issue, have a professional mechanic check it out to ensure that your vehicle is safe and comfortable to drive.

3. Blown Fuse

When a fuse is blown in your Mercedes GL450, it can cause the air suspension to malfunction. Some of the symptoms you may experience are a bouncing ride, uneven tire wear, and poor handling.

If you suspect a blown fuse, check the air suspension fuse first. If it is indeed blown, replace it with a new one with the same amperage and see if that solves the problem. If not, there may be an issue with the air suspension compressor or air springs. Have these checked by a qualified mechanic to get to the bottom of the problem.

4. Faulty Relay

Another cause of this problem could be due to a faulty relay. Symptoms of this can include the air suspension failing to inflate or deflate properly, or the system making strange noises. These issues can affect the ride quality of your SUV, as well as potentially damaging the air suspension components.

Possible causes of a faulty relay include a short circuit, an electrical fault, or a broken wire. To fix it, you may need to replace the relay, repair the wiring or clean the contacts. If you're not sure how to do this yourself, it's best to take your SUV to a qualified mechanic. They can diagnose the problem and carry out the necessary repairs.

5. Solenoid Valve Block Leaking Air

If you notice that your Mercedes GL450 air suspension is not functioning properly, it could be because of a solenoid valve block leak. Symptoms of this include the air suspension becoming softer or bouncier than usual, or the car sagging on one side. These problems can be caused by several things, including a faulty O-ring or a damaged seal.

If you are experiencing any of the issues described, you will need to have your Mercedes GL450 air suspension diagnosed in order to determine the cause. A mechanic can do this by checking the pressure in the system and looking for any signs of leakage. Once the source of the leak has been identified, it can be fixed by replacing the faulty O-ring or seal.

To fix this problem, you will need to replace the affected parts.

6. Rubbing Brass Valve and Strut Connection

When you hear a rubbing noise coming from your Mercedes GL450's air suspension, it's likely due to the brass valve and strut connection. These components can become worn down over time, causing the suspension to rub against itself. This can lead to problems, including reduced performance and increased wear and tear.

There are a few possible causes of this problem, but the most likely is that the brass valve is not properly seated. If this is the case, you'll need to remove the valve and re-seat it. Another possibility is that the strut connection is loose. In this case, you'll need to tighten the connection.

If you're still hearing a rubbing noise after taking these steps, the air suspension itself may be damaged. In this case, you'll need to replace the entire air suspension.


Your Mercedes GL450 can still run and be driven even with a bad air suspension. However, that does not necessarily mean that it is safe to do so.

Aside from the petty annoyances that it can bring, a bad suspension may lead to poor handling, which is a more serious matter. The latter could potentially lead to collisions or accidents that may result in property damage, serious injuries, or even fatalities. Therefore, repairing this issue is not something that you should put off for long. It should be addressed as soon as possible to ensure your safety as you use your Merc.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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