RAM Air Suspension Problems – Symptoms, Reasons, and Repair Cost

You have probably experienced the discomfort of driving when your RAM becomes noisy, harsh, or vibrates on the road. Or maybe, it isn't any of those things. Instead, perhaps it's a subtle change that you are trying to ignore, like the unusual way your vehicle bounces when it hits a pothole, and the longer time it's taking to stop.

Air suspension problems highlights

  • Level of importance:medium
  • Common reasons:internal suspension failure, electronic problem
  • DIY inspection:impossible
  • DIY repair:impossible
  • Average price in shops:$550 - $1,900
  • Average time:5 - 20 hours
  • If ignored:fatal failure, car drops, hard driving


Ram air suspension problems

RAM Air Suspension Problems

Of course, the "bounce test" option, amidst others, helps you determine the state of our RAM's suspension. A bounce test is when you give your car a hard push from each corner to see if it comes back into place, takes time to spring back, or just bounces up and down.

Also, given that the suspension comprises a few elements, its problems may vary. And before we delve into the symptoms, here is a list of some issues you may encounter with your RAM air suspension:

  • Air leakage
  • Slow adjustment of height
  • Noisy air compressor
  • System malfunction due to low temperature
  • Inability to reset itself after repair

Symptoms of RAM Suspension Problems

As with everything else capable of developing problems with time, a RAM air suspension can also show symptoms. You have read to this point; of course, you caught one or two of the possible symptoms you may experience with a problematic air suspension.

For instance:

  • When an air suspension such as the Active-Level 4 stops working altogether.
  • When the compressor noise gets louder than usual.
  • When the air suspension fails to work, even after the airbags are replaced.
  • When the truck seems as though it's straying off when driven. Or, more accurately, the car's rear feels loose. During turns, you may feel the vehicle pulling or drifting.
  • When there's no response from the suspension as the vehicle goes over a bump. That means a bumpy ride for the passengers and driver of the car.
  • When the car's ride height lowers on one of the rear sides.

In most cases (e.g., when suspension still malfunctions even after replacing the airbag), you'll probably try to figure out why your RAM's air suspension is "acting up." Please see the reasons below.

Reasons for RAM Air Suspension Problems

Why should you know the reasons for your air suspension malfunction? It will save you time and, to an extent, money. How?

If there's an incident where the air suspension fails to work instantly, for instance, and you don't know your way around the fuse box, you would have to wait until it's convenient for you to take it to the mechanic.

So, now that we're clear on that, here are a few reasons why your air suspension is failing:

  • Air suspension systems such as the Active-Level 4 may stop working in freezing weather or detect moisture. This can be due to a damaged air compressor, frozen valves, or a blown fuse.
  • Suppose the compressor gets noisier than you are used to. In that case, it's most likely due to the compressor's movement when the truck moves, thus slowing the suspension's inability to self-adjust after a change in the vehicle's Ride Height.

Another reason for a compressor's abnormal sound could be moisture. If you want to know whether your compressor is noisier than it should be, try listening for the sound after the truck has been parked. If it reduces alongside parking, then there's no cause for alarm.

  • This one sounds relatively simple - when the air suspension still malfunctions even after the airbags have been changed, the control unit for the suspension has been unable to detect a replacement, which, in turn, holds it back from resetting itself.
  • Here's another easy one; if the truck feels like it is swaying or straying when driving; or when it bounces more over a bump or pothole, the reason is a leaked or leaking airbag. You would know this because of the "cushioning" effect cited earlier.
  • Having mentioned it twice already, you would think it would be okay to omit moisture purposely. Yet, there are a few other ways that it may cause the malfunction of a RAM air suspension.

For example, it can bring back the problems thought to have disappeared. And there can be a warning message to alert you of the excessive load that has disabled the system or asking you to wait while the air suspension cools down.

  • Given that your RAM weighs 4500 pounds, it can be stressful for its air suspension.
  • With use, whether constant or scarcely, your RAM ages, and so does its suspension; thus, the components may start to break down.

Repair Options and Costs

Since it's been established that a RAM air suspension can develop some faults because it functions through the help of interconnected elements, that means if - or when - one of those elements or electronics malfunctions, it's somewhat a chain reaction. So, it affects the others and, in turn, takes down the entire system with it.

Also, you'd have to consider the inevitable - some parts or components will be worn out. For example, it doesn't matter if it's the ride height sensors or airbags; they will need replacement at some point.

But, there are several options available for repairing your RAM air suspension. The first and most expensive on the list is taking it to the dealership. It would involve a quote that will be based on the replacement of the worn-out electronics with new ones. The reason it's the most expensive option is because the new components are got from the system's manufacturer. Yet, there's an alternative to it.

There are third-party manufacturers you can go to replace the worn-out elements. So, while it's still expensive, it's relatively cheaper than the dealership option.

Then, there are air suspension kits that cost about $1,300. However, they are easy to use, so you don't really need professional assistance. But if you don't consider yourself a handy person, you may hire laborers and still save a lot.

The costs of repairing a RAM air suspension vary with the RAM model and the parts or electronic components of the suspension system that you would need to fix.

For example, a Dodge Mini RAM air compressor would take $350 and $250 on average for the labor and parts respectively. But, of course, your location is also a determining factor.


RAM, unlike most vehicles, comes with air suspensions which have been found to contribute a great deal to easy rides. However, even the effects of riding over a bump or pothole are only slightly felt. Thanks to the airbag, you may turn with ease, a prominent part of the air suspension that cushions the effect of a bump or turn.

But this ease and cushioning effect can be challenged when one or some of the electronic components of an air suspension malfunction(s). For instance, getting an abnormal sound from the compressor (another vital part of the air suspension) can also cause a malfunction in the entire system.

You must also be sure the tire pressure is okay because it can mimic the sound of a weak airbag. And while it is necessary to know the symptoms of a malfunctioning air suspension, it is also essential to know the reason behind the problems.

There are repair options which include taking your air suspension to the dealership, which stands out as the most expensive. Still, there are cost-effective options such as using a mechanic workshop where the cost of labor may vary according to location.

Either way, you have many solutions regarding RAM air suspension problems. Of course, the one you choose depends on your needs and budget. But we will tell you this: don't make the mistake of waiting too long before you tend to your RAM suspension problems. Why do we say this?

The problems can be exacerbated to the point where the damage will be worse than had you fixed the issue much sooner. As long as you're mindful of this, you'll be fine.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Ken Elliott
15-Oct-2023 (Sun, 12:45)
Your article had no content that would help me diagnose any RAM air suspension problems. All you told me in your wordy article was that if you take it to a dealership it will be expensive. Tell me something I don't know about dealerships.