Service Stabilitrak On Chevy – How To Turn Off?


Modern-day cars are equipped with loads of safety features that are aimed at making the driving experience as safe as possible. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) is one of the most commonly known systems intended to detect a loss of traction to regain control of your car. StabiliTrak is a GM branded ESC system that can sometimes cause issues, so be sure to read this article if you want to know everything about it, including how to turn it off.

Common reasons for the Stabilitrak light to come on:

  • Input/Output Sensor Issues
  • Power Steering Sensor Issues
  • Powertrain Issues
  • Stability Control Module Issues
  • ABS Module Issues
  • Faulty Controller/Connection
  • Issues with the throttle position sensor
  • E85 fuel
  • Fuel pump issues
  • Tire pressure issues

What Is Stabilitrak?

StabiliTrak is an advanced ESC system designed by GM to help a car maintain the correct course by regulating the engine and the brakes. This system primarily relies on the vehicle stability control module which is intended to monitor the car’s speed and steering angle in order to determine if the car is going in the right direction.

If the module senses that the car is not on its correct course, the system will engage in order to get the car back on its right course. This system should also aid you in braking by keeping the wheel straight which decreases the chance of losing traction.

Whenever you turn on the car, this system runs a quick diagnostic check, and if everything is fine, the StabiliTrak message will not be displayed. It's worth mentioning that systems such as these are essential for all modern cars to be as safe as they are. So if something is wrong with these systems, be sure to enlist professional help from a trained and experienced mechanic.

StabiliTrak Issues

Input/Output Sensor Issues

The input sensor monitors your steering angle and jawn rate while the output sensor monitors the torque sent to each wheel. If any of these two sensors start causing problems, it usually means that the Vehicle Stability Control Module might get confused and prompt the StabiliTrak warning light.

This system is designed for optimum traction and if it fails, the system might limit the output of the car to about 25mph before these issues are resolved. 

Power Steering Sensor Issues

The power steering sensor is designed to determine how much assistance you need while steering, and if this sensor starts causing issues, it will also confuse the Vehicle Stability Control Module due to inconsistent data which will, in turn, cause the warning light to come on.

Powertrain Issues

A car's powertrain consists out of many vital components, and if some of these components malfunction, it will mess up the power delivery. If this does happen, it will trigger the output sensor which will then communicate with the Stability Control Module and report the issue to the car’s main control unit. It’s never a good idea to drive a car that is experiencing powertrain issues so be sure to resolve these issues ASAP.

Stability Control Module Issues

The Vehicle Stability Control Module is the brain of the operation, and if the brain becomes faulty, the entire system is likely to crash. This is a rather known issue for many GM models between 2015-2020 which resulted in GM making a huge recall back in 2019. If the issue is indeed related to faulty software, it often points towards a faulty stability control module.

ABS Module Issues

The ABS or Anti-lock Braking System is designed to stop your brakes from locking up, and if this system starts causing issues, the Vehicle Stability Control Module will not be able to control your car’s braking system. 

This usually results in the Stabilitrak warning light coming on, but it should resolve itself after you’ve successfully restarted the car. If it does not, chances are that the module is experiencing more serious issues or the module is not the one to blame.

Faulty Controller/Connection

All the information gathered by your car's sensors is sent through the controller in order to decide the best course of action. If this controller is not working adequately, or the GM-LAN communication line that leads to the controller is damaged, the StabiliTrak system will not be able to monitor your car’s stability and thus prompt the warning sign.

Issues With The Throttle Position Sensor

The throttle position sensor is tasked with managing the amount of air that enters the engine during combustion in order to properly decide how much fuel is needed at any given moment. If this sensor is unable to fulfill its duty, it usually results in a jittery driving experience backed with poor fuel economy, unbalanced idling, and all sorts of performance limitations.

If these performance issues affect the traction control system, they are likely going to prompt the StabiliTrak light warning light as well. 

E85 Fuel

It is highly uncommon that a specific fuel mixture can directly impact traction control even though there were a few cases where owners complained that E85 fuel prompted their StabiliTrak warning light. If the engine you are running is not rated for E85 fuel be sure to avoid it regardless of the Stabilitrak warning light because it can easily damage your hoses and seals.

E85 is high in alcohol which is known to cause issues with rubbery components, as such it makes sense that E85 could cause issues if your engine is not E85-rated. 

Fuel Pump Issues

There are a few instances out there where some owners complained about the StabiliTrak warning light coming on after they have replaced or repaired the fuel pump. This is usually caused by high pressure within the fuel pump which can theoretically affect many in-car systems when it’s reported back to the ECU.

Many owners are also reporting codes associated with the fuel pressure regulators the moment they ran the car through various diagnostic tools. The fix is rather easy even though it can cost upwards of $200 in some cases.

Tire Pressure Issues

If your tires are aired-up unevenly or the sensors that monitor the air pressure within your tires fail, they can potentially cause the StabiliTrak light to come on if the traction control senses uneven pressure across all four tires.

This is usually caused by a faulty tire pressure monitoring sensor that is unable to read the current air pressure within the tire. If the sensor totally fails and reports that one of your tires is completely low on air pressure it could prompt the StabiliTrak light very easily.

Turning off the Service StabiliTrak On A Chevy

If the message “Service Stabilitrak” is displayed on your dashboard, it does not mean that your car is malfunctioning because the system is designed to let you know if anything is wrong with it. It might be due to improper calibration or a larger issue, and the easiest way to tell is to take the car to a trained professional.

In order to turn off the Service StabiliTrak System on your Chevy, you first need to press the main traction control button to turn off the traction control. Now you have to press that very same button for a couple of seconds to disengage StabiliTrak.

The system is never truly turned off which means that in order to completely disengage the system you need to take a fuse out, but beware because this is not an advisable thing to do.

FAQ Section

Can I Diagnose A Service StabiliTrak Issue Myself?

The best thing to do is to always take the car to a trained professional, but if you know what you are doing, you can try and diagnose the issue yourself. The best thing you can do is buy a Diagnostics Tool for Chevy vehicles. 

How Much Does It Cost To Fix The StabiliTrak System?

If you need to replace the entire traction system, you are looking at an $80-200 bill, including labor. If your car also needs new sensors, the costs can quickly ramp up to a few hundred dollars depending on what’s to blame. 

Is It Safe To Drive The Car With Service Stabilitrak Light On?

If the light only comes on when you lose traction then it is safe to do so. However, if the warning light persists, it's not a good idea to drive the car if you are not aware of what caused the issue. Be sure to restart the car in order to find out if the issue remains, if that is indeed the case don’t drive the car.

Where Is The StabiliTrak Button Located?

Most Chevy models place the Stabilitrak button right on the center console. If you cant not find the button anywhere, this means that the car you are looking at is not equipped with StabiliTrak.

Is It Possible To Completely Turn Off StabiliTrak For Good?

As previously mentioned, it is possible to completely turn off the StabiliTrak system by taking out a specific fuse from the fuse box. However, this will also impact your power steering and many of your car’s sensors and systems. Only do this if you are 100% aware of what you are doing.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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