What Happens If You Overtighten Steering Box? Symptoms and Fixes

When fixing the vehicle by yourself, you may get into some trouble. For example, your steering box started making noises and punching the steering wheel, so you decided to read some DIY articles, watch some videos, and finally tighten it yourself.

In this article, we'll tell you what may go wrong if you overtighten the steering gearbox. Also, we'll tell you how exactly you should get rid of this problem. The article will discuss any possible solutions to a loose gearbox that punches your wheel and doesn't feel firm enough.

Let's get started!

overtighten steering gearbox

Tightening your steering gearbox too much - what may go wrong?

After watching all those DIY videos, you may know that the steering gearbox has special bolts for adjusting. It means that when the gearbox is too loose, you may turn that bolt a couple of times and it will become stiffer. Also, the steering wheel will feel better, you will regain control over your vehicle.

So, you take the wrench, get under your vehicle and find this bolt. After that, you tighten it as hard as you can and try driving. But something goes wrong - when you overtighten the steering box, your steering wheel is very hard to turn, also the wheel doesn't return without effort after you eventually turn it.

Here are the symptoms of the overtightened steering gearbox:

  • almost no free play in your steering wheel;
  • the wheel is really hard to turn;
  • after you turn, the wheel doesn't come back, it needs some effort;
  • the wheel feels heavy like it's made of metal;
  • steering becomes impossibly difficult;
  • your car may go in any direction without straightening itself.

Get these problems? You have overtightened the gearbox and now will have to get under the vehicle again to fix the problem. But fixing is not going to be that easy.

Does tightening your steering gearbox bolts actually help?

Well, here we come to the most interesting part of the article. Should you at all bother yourself tightening those adjustment bolts? If you believe that this will help you repair the problem and use your steering box for another year or two, then no, it's a very bad idea and it will not help you.

The adjustment bolts will only work if you are on the highway with very loose steering and you want to tighten the steering gearbox to drive to the nearest dealer or repair shop.

When steering gearboxes get loose, it means they are going to be broken soon. You may tighten them or just do nothing, this will not prolong their lifespan anymore. What you should do is repair or replace the steering box or have it repaired by a qualified mechanic.

What to do instead of tightening your steering box?

If you want to tighten the steering box and this is why you are reading this article, you should think twice before you take that wrench in your hands. Avoid any self-repair procedures unless you know what you are doing. Modern cars are too sensitive to any kind of bad service and they may just get broken and require very expensive repairs after that.

Here's what you should do if your steering box feels loose or punches the wheel all the time:

  • go to a qualified mechanic or to a dealer to have the steering box diagnosed;
  • then, discuss with the mechanic what you can do to repair it;
  • in most cases, the new steering gearbox or the whole rack will be the best option;
  • buy OEM parts or find some decent aftermarket alternatives;
  • have all the broken parts replaced and adjusted according to the manufacturer's requirements;
  • check if all systems work well now and don't create any problems.

This strategy will work much better than just adjustment of the steering box by tightening the bolts. Yes, you will have to spend some money on that, but after this repair, your vehicle steering system will work like new and will have thousands of miles ahead.

While after tightening the steering box, you will only have a hundred miles or something and the steering system will not work to the full.

Final words

We don't recommend trying to adjust the steering box by tightening it with the adjustment bolts. This will not give you any long-lasting effect, you will just have all your hands in mud and grease. After just some hours, the problems will come back and still make you go to the repair shop and spend this money. So, better do it now and forget about the problem.

CarAraC Research

About the authors

The CarAraC research team is composed of seasoned auto mechanics and automotive industry professionals, including individuals with advanced degrees and certifications in their field. Our team members boast prestigious credentials, reflecting their extensive knowledge and skills. These qualifications include: IMI: Institute of the Motor Industry, ASE-Certified Master Automobile Technicians; Coventry University, Graduate of MA in Automotive Journalism; Politecnico di Torino, Italy, MS Automotive Engineering; Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Mechanical University in Skopje; TOC Automotive College; DHA Suffa University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

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